Coaching. Training. Speaking.

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Our Why

Connecting individuals to their true north.

Equipping teams to lead wholeheartedly.

Inspiring groups towards personal freedom and positive change.

At a crossroad?

Find your true north.

“Georgia helped me identify my gifts and strengths and inspired me to push forward with my dreams. Now I’m taking action to live the life I want.”

— Karen N

Want to take your team to the next level?

Build a brave culture.

“Georgia’s training transformed the way our staff and leadership team handle conflict. Our culture is now moving away from disconnection and towards healthy and authentic communication.”

— Viv Bateman, Lead Pastor, Vineyard 61 Church, London

Ready for freedom?

Be inspired and take the jump.

“Georgia is a natural and gifted communicator. She is funny, engaging and a brilliant storyteller. She made a real impact on our youth when she spoke at DTI Nano. We saw a number of young people responding to her honest, truthful and compelling talk. She has a unique ability to make people laugh as well as leading them to examine who they are and who they are becoming.”

— Zeke Rink, DTI and Youth Network Associate Pastor, UK



“Brave was a phenomenal conference where Georgia laid bare her life story. Venturing into vulnerability, authenticity and transparency that released power across the auditorium, as women began to embrace their own humanity and flaws of imperfection.”

— Teeny Brumby Councillor Burnie City Council, Tasmania Australia

Find out if North is the right direction for you.

If we don’t fit, we’ll point you in another direction that is right for you.